King's sea feast

5108 MUSSEL is raised using sustainable farming methods in the sea of the lush national parks of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. It is a 5-star hotel in Europe, a professional mussel (mussel) for the purveyor of Michelin chefs.
They are caught early in the morning, sorted into 5 sizes, trimmed for unnecessary whiskers, packed in a ready-to-cook state, strictly temperature-controlled during transportation, and shipped by air as live shellfish fresh enough to be eaten raw. , we will deliver it to your table in Japan the next day.


「5108 ムッセル」はすべて自前の生簀から早朝に漁獲し、5つのサイズに粒を揃え、無駄なヒゲ処理も済ませ、すぐ調理できる状態にパック。輸送中も厳しく温度管理し、生食も可能なほど新鮮な活貝の状態で、日本の皆様の食卓へお届けします。



Pick-up product